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Work With Us

Do you want to promote your brand online in a creative way? Or are you looking to promote your unique drinks, product, or service for an engaged audience?

At A Couple of Sips, we create tailored digital campaigns to bring your message to our loyal audience.

We are established, well-known bloggers that introduce the general public to the world of cocktails and drinks. We would love to share your unique drinks, product, or service with our readers.

Our in-depth articles bring valuable information to our audience. Every article is very well-written and SEO optimized to reach the best organic results.

We welcome affiliate partnerships, sponsored content, advertising, and press trips that meet our audience’s needs. Let’s see how we can help each other.

What can we offer you?

We can offer you high-quality digital content to help you reach an engaged audience. Our readers spend on average 5.17 minutes on a page, which is much above the average (3 min).

Also, all content at A Couple of Sips is written in an engaging and informal manner to talk to our audience and be sure that they are listening to us.

Every article is shared on our social media channels and our great designs make sure people click through and share it too.

How can we work together?

Brand ambassadors

If you would like a well-known and respected cocktail blog to be a long-term ambassador for your product or brand, simply contact us, and we will work out a package that is right for both of us in moving forward in our agreement.

Product reviews 

Are you trying to get the word out about your drink-related business? We would love to talk to you and try out your product or service for an unbiased review.

Collaborations and sponsored posts

Partner with us to present your products or services to our loyal readers, who are interested in drinks and cocktail tips as well as in tools to prepare tasty drinks at home.

Want to work with us?

We are happy to talk with you to understand how we can mutually benefit from a collaboration. Send us an email at hello (at)

Want to Guest Post for A Couple of Sips?

Are you a drink blogger looking to expand your writing portfolio by writing for A Couple of Sips? We know what it’s like to be just starting out and wanting to get your name out there.

If you have an idea on how-to articles, cocktail recipes, or cocktail preparation tips you’d like to write about, we’d love to hear from you.

Important Note: This opportunity is for drink-food bloggers only. If you are looking for a link back to your for-profit, business, or affiliate niche site, that’s a sponsored post, not a guest post.

Please contact us at hello (at) for our guidelines for sponsored content.